Recently, I embarked on a journey to design a female hippo cartoon character named Stella. Tasked with making her friendly and instantly recognizable, this article delves into the creative process behind crafting Stella, the face of a client’s social media platform.

Designing my female hippo cartoon character

To begin, I sketched various basic shapes, focusing on three primary forms to construct Stella’s body. Given the bulkiness of hippos, I opted for pear and tear-drop shapes. The head, traditionally large and box-shaped, took on a rectangular form, deliberately disproportionate for character appeal. Through experimentation and numerous sketches, I refined Stella’s initial look, laying the foundation for further development.

Further hippo character development and details

Once the basic structure was established, attention turned to adding character details. Short, bobbed hair with a floral accent and footwear were incorporated to humanize Stella while aligning with the client’s brand identity. Feedback from the client guided the process, ensuring Stella’s charm and suitability for the intended role.

The final Stella hippo mascot design

With the character’s outline finalized, the focus shifted to creating a vector illustration, ensuring scalability and print quality. Color selection played a crucial role, with warm tones and trustworthy hues chosen to resonate with the audience. Incorporating brand colors for consistency, Stella’s appearance was refined, with careful attention to shading and highlights, culminating in a character ready to engage with the public.


Designing Stella, the friendly hippo cartoon character, was a journey of creativity and collaboration. From initial sketches to final touches, each step aimed to capture the essence of warmth and approachability essential for effective social media representation. As Stella prepares to greet her audience, she embodies the spirit of the brand, ready to make a lasting impression in the digital realm.